February 4, 2009

Work Abroad: Twelve Jobs That Keep You on the Road

Work Abroad: Twelve Jobs That Keep You on the Road
By: Young Money (View Profile)

If you want to work your way around the world, there are plenty of not-so-serious gigs to keep you from going broke. Governments work with organizations like BUNAC and CCUSA to give out short-term work permits for their countries. These countries include the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, Ireland, Canada, and New Zealand. Just pay a small fee for the work visa and you get a list of employers contact once you arrive.

Below is a list of ideas of work opportunities worldwide. You can do most of these jobs anywhere in the world. The toughest part is really making that initial step to go. But what do you have to lose? So go!

Bartender in Austria
The social scene at The Yoho International Youth Hostel in Salzburg is at the bar. You even pay for your bed there when upon arrival. So of course they need a lot of help at night to keep thirsty nomads happy. Serve drinks to tourists and other backpackers while traveling abroad and sometimes you don’t even need to know the local language. Try to get paid under the table and don’t stay for too long—that much booze and tourism can’t be good for anyone.

Scuba Instructor in Morocco
Club Med is hiring certified scuba instructors (along with bartenders and chefs) immediately for one of their ninety “villages” in forty countries worldwide. The Club Med staff are called “GOs” or gracious organizers, which is a nice term for employees paid to party every day and night with the guests. There are over 22,000 GOs and Club Med has recruiting in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Newark this spring.

Travel Writer in Europe
If you’ve got writing skills and a passion for travel, you’ve got just about everything you need to become a travel writer (well, you’ll probably need a laptop too). Write articles and books, take pictures to supplement your stories, and get them published wherever you can. Student Traveler has a travel writing internship in Europe this summer (blatant self promotion) Go to studenttraveler for details.

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